Making the world a sweeter place one bottle at a time
Random Bee Fact: Bees are the only insect that produces food eaten by man.
After stepping on an IED in Afghanistan and losing both of his legs, Army Staff Sergeant (SSG) Alejandro Jauregui had to find a new passion to pursue. Being from a small agricultural town in Northern California, SSG Jauregui understands the important role that honey bees play in producing healthy crops.
This respect for and understanding of the agricultural community lead to the formation of Fury Bees and Pollination.
Fury Bees began operations in March, 2015 with just 100 hives. SSG Jauregui, his brother Christian Jauregui and brother-in-law Adan Rivera have since more than doubled that amount of hives.
•Provide high quality pollination services
•Build life long friendships in the community we love
•Ensure our customers reap the full benefits that nature has to offer by selling all natural, unfiltered, local raw honey
•Provide safe removal of honeybee swarms without using harmful pesticides